The aims of this paper were to increase the knowledge of the diversity of helminth parasites from cathartid birds from Argentina, and to analyse the role of the parasites found as indicators of their diet. Six specimens of three species of vultures captured in Formosa Province, Coragyps atratus, Cathartes burrovianus and Cathartes aura were analysed. Helminths and hosts diet were studied. The helminthological examination revealed the presence of Petasiger segregatus (Echinostomatidae) in C. atratus and C. burrovianus, and Strigea vaginata (Strigeidae) in C. atratus and C. aura. The findings of S. vaginata parasitizing C. aura, and P. segregatus parasitizing C. burrovianus, constitute the first records of any helminth in both hosts in Argentina. The examination of the stomach contents revealed the presence of marsupials, snakes, and insects (Trichoptera, Formicidae and Muscidae). Petasiger segregatus could be a good indicator of the bird’s diet; and the findings of P. segregatus in C. atratus and in C. burrovianus allow to infer that these birds have ingested fishes or amphibians some time before being caught. Instead, Strigea vaginata has a wide range of intermediate hosts, thus this strigeid species would not be a good indicator of the diet of its definitive hosts.
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